Luxury Occasion Bouquet


Made with a bountiful collection of beautiful, seasonal blooms, presented in a gift box containing an aqua pack which keeps the flowers at their best. Plastic wrap is biodegradable. Dried flowers are also included which can be kept as a keepsake. Matching ribbon and gift card included.

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(photo is an example of size - flowers will change through the year).

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Made with a bountiful collection of beautiful, seasonal blooms, presented in a gift box containing an aqua pack which keeps the flowers at their best. Plastic wrap is biodegradable. Dried flowers are also included which can be kept as a keepsake. Matching ribbon and gift card included.

Please leave message in notes section.

(photo is an example of size - flowers will change through the year).

Made with a bountiful collection of beautiful, seasonal blooms, presented in a gift box containing an aqua pack which keeps the flowers at their best. Plastic wrap is biodegradable. Dried flowers are also included which can be kept as a keepsake. Matching ribbon and gift card included.

Please leave message in notes section.

(photo is an example of size - flowers will change through the year).